Yes, you read it right, I am submitting this tribute to my In-Laws. They are both great individuals, a couple, and dedicated to their family. And yes they both are part of the Masonic Family. This past weekend they celebrated their "50th" Wedding Anniversary and we were able to share it with them in Chicago(Schaumburg), Illinois. It was the first time they had all of their kids, grand kids, great grand daughter, and son-in-laws together at one time.
I would say I had to choose between Masonry and Family, but there really was no choice, I wanted to be together as a family. Therefore, I had to miss the One Day To Masonry on Saturday. I am sorry I wasn't able to attend and celebrate with all of the new brothers that were initiated, passed and raised in all of the degrees of Masonry. I heard the work was really fantastic.
My mother and father-in law are truly wonderful and they care about their family more than you could ever say. They treat both of their son-in-laws like they are their own children and would do anything we asked. They have proven that over time and time again. They both are part of the Masonic Family. My Father-in-Law is a Past Master (multiple times)and was also a member of the Scottish Rite and a Shriner. His brother was also a Mason. My Mother-in-Law was a past Worthy Matron (several) Times. Her Father was also a Mason and member of the Eastern Star.
They both our wonderful individuals and live their lives like we are taught in Masonry to be upright and moral. I want to say congratulations to them on their "50th" Wedding Anniversary and above all thank you for accepting me as part of their family and introducing me to Masonry.