Last night I attended Princeton Lodge #92 for their regular stated meeting. It was a dual purpose that I was attending their meeting. I knew ahead of time that due to the weather in December they were not able to open their lodge, so they were planning on having their regular stated meeting to conduct business and then elect their officers for the current year. After the election took place they were going to have a closed installation of the officers. Prior to their meeting they had a nice meal served for the brothers.
The meal was the primary reason I was attending, not because I like to eat like all Masons, but because I had a co-worker who was attending with me. I have know my co-worker for approximately one year and he live between Elk River and Princeton. I had the honor of carrying his petition to join Masonry and present it to the Master. I asked him to attend the meal with me so he could get a chance to meet the brothers and they could meet him. I sure was smiling inside with pride that he was there and that he wanted to become a brother mason. The meal was good and the fellowship was even better.
During their installation WB Brian Sjoberg was installed as the new Master for 2010. The brothers did a very nice job with their installation. They had ten brothers in attendance and all of them were installed into an office. The other thing that was unique was that all but one of the brothers were also members of Kedron Chapter #120 OES located in Princeton. The brother informed the new Mater who is to be married this year, that they would like to see him and his future wife join the chapter also. I am also a member of Kedron Chapter #120. Therefore, 10 out of 11 brothers present were members of Keron Chapter. The lodge and the chapter have a great working relationship and I feel that is what makes them both very strong.
The lodge also has a fund raising project that was very successfully last year. The project involves a recycling program where they work with the local community. I will do some more research on the project and right about it in a future article. They made almost $5,000 after expenses. They are currently working with local officials to conduct the program again this year.
My congratulations to all of the officers installed last night.