On Friday night, January 22, I attended the Metro West Master's and Warden's meeting hosted by Cataract Lodge #2 in Minneapolis. They had a social hour with soup and sandwiches, then they went upstairs for their meeting. It was great to see alot of brothers on the sidelines. A comment was made that WB Lee Dorholt has been instrumental in getting the group back up and meeting on a regular basis. Great job Lee!
After the meeting, the wardens went back downstairs for discussion with RWB Thomas Hendrickson and WB Dave Olson to talk about planning for the future and the importance of calendars with scheduled events.
Past Masters and current sitting Masters were treated to a great time with a Past Masters Degree. I was able to take part along with Jim Christensen, Junior Grand Deacon in the Past Master's Degree. neither one of us had been through it before. It was a great time and fun was had by all. A special thank you to Monte Miller who gave me his Past Master's Degree Pin. I will pass it on when I get the opportunity as he requested.