Golden Fleece Lodge #89 in Litchfield held a 1st Degree last night (1-28-10)and they did a great job. Three new brothers were initiated and they were as follows: John Powers, Wesley Hoffman, and Simeon Webster. Welcome to the fraternity my brothers. Golden Fleece has been very active lately in raising new brothers for their lodge and they have been working on degree work. Last night they had 3 brothers from Monticello Lodge #16 assist with the degree work. I can remember a few years ago when I was asked to help line up people for degree work. I asked what positions they needed and I was informed all of them. I am very proud of all the hard work the brothers have been doing to improve themselves in Masonry. Great job my brothers. The photo shows Bob Holly (District Representative who has been very active with the lodge and offering them a lot of support.
The photo shows (1st Row - left to right) Wesly Hoffman, Simeon Webster, and John Powers. The second row is WB Bob Holly, WB Mike Ross (current master for #89), and Brother Tracy Newman (Monticello #16) acting master for the degree work.