Four brothers were raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason last night (3-19-11) at Clearwater Lodge #28 with seven different lodges in attendance and helping with the degree work. The four new Master Masons were as follows: one from Clearwater #28 in Clearwater; two from Fraternal Lodge #92 in Princeton; and one from Sharon Lodge #104 in Willmar.
Brother Travis Gergen was the Master for the first section and Worshipful Brother Robin Nelson was the Master for the second section with both brothers being member of Clearwater Lodge #28. Brothers who assisted or were in attendance were from the following lodges: Anoka Lodge #30,Anoka; Clearwater Lodge #28, Clearwater; Fraternal Lodge #92, Princeton; Golden Fleece Lodge #89, Litchfield; Monticello Lodge #16, Monticello; North Star Lodge #23, St. Cloud; and Sharon Lodge #104, Willmar.
The brothers did a great job with the work and it was a very enjoyable event!