Friday, November 19, 2010

Doug Bogie Presented the Hiram Award at Vally Lodge #174

On November 18, 2010, WB Doug Bogie was presented the Hiram Award by WB Bruce Nelson, Master for Valley Lodge #174 located in Gleenwood, MN. WB Doug was raised a Master Mason in 1980 at Valley Lodge. He was elected and served as the Master for Valley Lodge Lodge four different times, with the most current time being in 2009. In 2010 he was elected Sectretary of the lodge, the position which he now holds. He is the current director of the Valley Lodge #174 Masonic Center Board, a position he has held since it was formed. Doug has also been active in the other masonic appended bodies such as the Order of Eastern Star, Shrine and Chapter.

Congratulations again to you Doug, a honor well deserved.

For those reading this blog, and are not familiar with the Hiram Award,it is the highest award, and a life time achievement award that is given by a lodge to one of its brothers.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

3rd Degree at Helios Lodge #273

On November 9th, I attended Helios Lodge #273 in Cambridge where they conducted a 3rd Degree for two new Master Masons. The brothers did a great job with all of their parts. WB Roger NcNear sat in the east for both sections and WB Ralph Powell, the current Master sat in the west. He also did both the second and third lecture monologue. Brother Bruce Compton (father) and Brother Shane Compton (son)did the 1st lecturer. These two brothers also traveled to Fraternal Lodge #92 two weeks prior to do the 1st Ledcture for newly raised Brother Lee Craig. I took Brother Lee with me to Helios so he could meet new brothers and watch the work for the very first time.

Brother Chris Maas and Brother Bobby Milliman were the two new brothers who were raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason. Brother Chris was raised by WB Roger McNear and Brother Bobby was raised by WB Jason Stork. WB Jason stated it was an honor to raise Brother Bobby since they served in the Navy together and became very good friends and now Brothers. WB Jason is currently the Master of Summerset-St. James Lodge #34 in Preston, Conn., but is working in California at the current time.