Tuesday, October 11, 2011

North Star Lodge #23 retires current Bible

On October 10, 2011 North Star Lodge #23 retired its current Bible that has sat on the alter since 1940. North Star Lodge #23 had a special evening to honor all of the Past Masters from the lodge to come for a special dinner. WB Jack McKenna prepared Beef Stroganoff for dinner.

The Bible has sat opened on the alter for 71 years during regular stated meetings, special meetings for degree work , and for Installation of Officers. The pages were becoming fragile and torn from usage, therefore it was voted upon at a meeting before the lodge went dark in the spring to hold this special meeting.

WB Mike Yankovec called out all of the names of brothers who had served as Master of their lodge with their year they were in office. As as the names of the Past Master from North Star Lodge #23 present were called, they went to the alter and signed their name in the Bible.

Their were 16 Past Masters from North Star Lodge #23, two Past Masters from Unity Lodge that from Sauk Rapids before it merged with North Star in the late 1980's, 1 Past Master from Olivia Lodge, and one Past Master from Colorado. MWB Alyn Dull was the oldest Past Master in attendance based on the year he served as master for North Star Lodge in 1963. He stated he knew all but a couple of the Past Maters even though he was in lodge during the earlier years.

It was a great evening and great fellowship was had by all in attendance.