Sunday, October 24, 2010

WB Ed Wern Receives Hiram at Monticello

Last night (October 23, 2010), I attended a Hiram Award dinner for WB Ed Wern presented by Monticello Lodge #16,located in Monticello, MN. WB Ed served as the Master of Monticello Lodge in 1996 and 1997. In 1998 when I stared serving as a District Representative, Monticello was one of the lodges in my District. Wb Ed was always there in attendance and helped keeping the lodge going when times were lean. He was one of Past Masters along with WB Dan Bloomgren and WB Butch Aschnewitz who devoted alot of time and effort to keep the lodge going and alive.

For the past several years, WB Ed has served as the lodge secretary,participated in degree work not only in his home lodge, but has help do courtesy work with other lodges in the area. WD ED has also been active with the Monticello Schools in serving as an officer and coach for a teams involved in projects called Education Destination. Some of the teams WB Ed coached has won State Championships and has finished as high as 6th place in Nationals.

Congratulations to WB ED Wern on his Hiram Award. This award is the highest award that can be given by a lodge to one of its members. It is a life time achievement award. WB ED was well deserving of the award.
The top picture is Ed with his wife and two sons. The bottom picture is WB Chris Zamolsky, Master of Monticello Lodge #16 presenting the Hiram Award to WB Ed Wern.