Sunday, October 10, 2010

2010 Illinois Grand Lodge

I had a great time at the 2010 Illinois Grand Lodge of Masons Annual Communication held in Springfield, IL. The Grand Master's Banquet was held Thursday night at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum. Brother Delbert Yarnell represented President Abraham Lincoln. We also attended two shows and were able to walk through the entire exhibit. WOW was that fantastic.

During the Opening session visiting dignitaries and special guest were introduced. After the opening session, they closed the session and conducted business similar to the same manner we do in MN. The had a demonstration with three brothers preforming a rod drill. This was very impressive.

I met Grand Masters, Past Grand Masters, and other Grand Lodge officers from many states (Illinois, Iowa, Michigan, Arizona, Alabama, and Wisconsin to name a few), and a delegation from Italy and one Brother from France.
During the lunch on Friday, I had the honor to sit by MWB Neil E. Neddermeyer who was attending the Grand Lodge to give a talk on Masonic Research. I enjoyed our visit during the lunch hour.

I have included a few photos from Grand Lodge Communications. I have added the complete set of photos on my facebook page (Bob Darling).