A first degree was held at Monticello Lodge #16 tonight. WB Dan Starks was the presiding Master for the Degree work and he did a very nice job. WB Dan is a Past Master from Cataract Lodge #2 and the current Junior Warden at Monticello. WB Chris Zalomsky is the current Master for Monticello and sat in the South for the degree work.
Brother Joel Peterson was the new brother who was initiated tonight. He had a friend a Masonic Brother who came from Wayzata to watch him be initiated. I also asked a new brother Lee Craig to attend the meeting tonight. Lee took his first degree two weeks ago at Fraternal Lodge #92 in Princeton, MN. This gave Lee an opportunity to see the entire degree from the sidelines and have a better understanding with the proficiency work.
After the lectures were completed there was a discussion on a Mentor for Joel and Brother Tim Hester volunteered to be his mentor. Tim live only a few houses away from Joel. The they asked a brother who was raised a few months ago if he had a mentor and Brother Shawn Mortenson stated he was the mentor. That was a great sign that they were following through with the new brothers and making sure they had a mentor to help them as they continue to gain more light in masonry!