WB Ian Bates paid a special visit to Fraternal Lodge #92 in Princeton, Mn on Wednesday, March 10, 2010. WB Ian's first visit to Fraternal Lodge #92 was in 1999 when he was first elected as Master to his Lodge Fraternal Lodge #5212 in London, England. He searched the web and found Fraternal Lodge #92 in Princeton and made contact with WB Al Bornholt back in 1999. He paid a visit that started an a very close friendship with many Brothers who visited with him at that time. He started coming over to the United States on a regular basis attending lodge meetings at Fraternal Lodge #92 and even attended the Grand Lodge Session the year MWB Roger Taylor was installed as Grand Master. He returned to the United States that same year in 2001 to go on a Alaskan Cruise hosted by the MWB Roger Taylor and his wife Nancy Fischer. Approximately seven couples of Masons and Eastern Star Members and WB Ian Bates went on the cruise.
Tomorrow night the we will have our annual night at to talk about the memories from the cruise and our friendship.
The top photo show WB Ian with MWB Roger Taylor, WB Brian Sjoberg (current Master), WB Terry Wade, and WB Ernie Trebesch.
The middle photo show WB Ian and myself. The bottom show WB Ian with his Master's jewel and apron.