Two new brothers were raised to the sublime Degree of a Master Mason on June 26, 201o at Clearwater Lodge #28. The two new brothers were Todd Theisen from Clearwater Lodge #28 in Clearwater and Wes Hoffman from Golden Fleece Lodge #89 in Litchfield.
The degree was put on by a joint effort with Clearwater #28, Golden Fleece #89, and Monticello #16. The three lodges have been working togther the last couple years on degrees. They have built a strong fellowship bond among the brothers. They are a great example of lodges working together to get things done. They held a practice earlier in the week and the degree work tonight was very good and impressive. A job well done by the brothers. The two new brother are in the first row. Wes is the third from the left and Todd is the forth from the left.